Top 3 Questions To Ask Yourself To See if a New Website Design is Right For Your Business

Website Design Safety 1st Retirement

Website Design Introduction

When you’re ready for a new website design, there are several questions you should ask yourself. Your answers will help determine whether or not it is the right time for you to make that change.

1. Is my current website design an accurate representation of my business, digitally?

If a website is an accurate representation of a business, it should:

  • Be easy to understand and navigate. A good website should be intuitive, with clear labels and links, so that visitors can easily find what they’re looking for.
  • Accentuate the strengths of your brand. The design should highlight the best aspects of your brand identity—from fonts and colors to imagery and messaging—and make them look as good (or better) than they do in person.
  • Showcase only relevant content. Don’t clutter up your site with unnecessary information; instead focus on providing only what customers need or want when they visit your site on their terms.

2. Am I proud of my current website design customers and prospects see when visiting my site?

Your website is a representation of your business, so if you aren’t proud of it, then it is not right for you. At the end of the day it is important for you to love your digital brand. We have seen business owners come to us, far too often with a website they are not happy with. We have helped each and every one of the have a website they are proud of!

3. Was the last change to my website design over 2 years ago?

Have you made any changes to your website in the last two years? If the answer is yes, then congratulations! But if the answer is no, then it’s time for a change.

The third major factor that can determine whether or not it’s time for a new website design is how long it has been since you’ve made any changes to your current design. For example, many businesses find that when they think about it, they haven’t updated their website in over 2 years. This causes things to start feeling stale and old-fashioned again. If this happens with your site—whether because of UX issues or due to new technologies available—it could mean it’s time for an overhaul (or at least some freshening up).

If you haven’t updated anything on your site since 2012 and are still using an outdated CMS then yeah: maybe it’s time for something completely fresh rather than just updating what already exists.”


These are just a few of the questions that you should ask yourself before embarking on a new website design project. Think about what is important to your business and how you want it represented online, then run through these questions again to see if the answers lead you to a new site design or not. If they do, then go for it! Give us a shout

Written By: Joshua Nulph

Josh is the owner and founder of 1507 Solutions. He found his passion for helping small businesses at an early age. Now 1507 Solutions helps small to mid sized businesses across the country navigate the digital world through websites and social media

October 25, 2022

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